
Thursday, January 26, 2012


Upcycled Framed Art

I'm excited about the new word I'm adding to my vocabulary - "upcycled".  I'm 'up'dating this post (no pun intended) as I think this term applies - taking something you were tired of and no longer have use for, and turning it into something great.

I had several framed pieces of Tuscan landscapes, and was ready for something new.  Buying new art seemed like a waste, so I refurbished the existing ones.  I covered the Tuscan prints with scrapbooking paper in a faux burlap print (I placed several layers of cardboard underneath to level the paper on the mat, and I used blue painters tape for a temporary hold, just in case I want to go back to the Tuscan prints at a later time.)  The focal point in the center is simply fabric around cardboard pieces.  The fabric was leftover from the comforter cover I cut up to make pillow shams and a valance for the same room.  Total investment was less than $2 for the pieces of scrapbooking paper.

Framed artwork prior to changes
These are the framed art pieces I started with

Upcycled Framed Art
These are the finished upcyled pieces made with fabric and scrapbooking paper

Upcycled Framed Art in Guestroom
You can see the art pieces on the wall in the guest room...

If you are curious about the tree branch on the wall - see post TREE BRANCH WALL ART.

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